Entrepreneurship can get a bit lonely and overwhelming, but it does not have to be that way. As your business(es) grow and priorities align, you will find that there are certain relationships that will elevate and help catapult you to the next level. And face it – not everyone is going to understand or relate to your journey. That is where your entrepreneurial circle comes into play; you need to focus and make strides, rather than allow distractions to get in your way. And while you are at it – get out of your own way!


Everyone needs a mentor. Even Oprah has a mentor. And I’m sure Beyonce has one too. We must abandon the thinking that we are the end-all, be-all. Every single successful person that walks or have walked the earth are and were in their positions because someone positively or negatively influenced them. The mentor is your guide and coach. They are able to help you hone in on your purpose, talk you through your failures, and cheer on your successes. Your mentor should be someone you can trust and who has actually experienced entrepreneurship for themselves and is totally crushing the game – a veteran.

Mentor: Helps you find your purpose, talks you through the failures, and cheers your successes.”

The mentor also doubles as a task-master or accountability partner in ensuring you are on the right track.


This is the person that you feel completely comfortable bouncing ideas off of, and they give you honest, valuable critique. You should know and trust this person well enough to know that they will not swipe your ideas. If there are ever any concerns, have them sign a nondisclosure agreement prior to discussion if your idea is something you would like patented or trademarked (be smart). While some may like a “yes” man or woman, it can do your business a huge disservice. Part of entrepreneurship is having tough skin and being able to process the good, bad, and the ugly. So, the next time you come up with that grand idea that sounds magical in your head, consult with your truth-teller to get things down on paper to see if they are sensible. And do not get it confused – this person should be a realist, rather than a pessimist. Discernment is key when forming your business tribe. For as many critiques, there should be just as many solutions offered.


The road is rough! It is nice to have a cheerleader or 2 in your circle to offer some encouragement every now and then. They remind you to keep walking in your purpose or take some time to pivot. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If athletes can have them, then so could you!

Spiritual friends are just as amazing. Christ is at the forefront of everything I do, so having someone willing to pray for me (and I pray for them) is vital to my personal entrepreneurial journey.


Not all entrepreneurs are tech-savvy. It’s just not everyone’s ministry, and that is okay. It took me 3 weeks to figure out the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org – ugh! Part of running a successful business is branding and online presence, so when building your space, have your go-to techie all lined up. Let me also add that valuable expertise oftentimes comes with a price tag – do not be afraid to invest in yourself. Free information can only get you but so far! Most times, you can dream up the ideas, but need help executing.

Who are the key individuals in your entrepreneurial circle?