Lack of sleep can lead to death.

There is no need to sugar-coat it. The #TeamNoSleep mentality has got to go.

How many times have you said or heard:

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

“I have no time for sleep.”

“While everyone is sleeping, I’m up until 4am grinding.”

Whaaaaaat?! No, sleep is LOVE!

There are levels to this, and sleep deprivation is unacceptable at every single one. And there will be no prize for whoever gets the least amount of rest. This is not just an entrepreneurial thing, but there are many people from all walks who are sleep-deprived. There seems to be this notion that lack of rest and extreme “busy” equates to working harder, but that is a far cry from the truth. I get it – some people just love what they do so much that they do not know when to flip the off switch. I am embarrassed to admit that I have had clients urge me to “go to sleep” after seeing that I had sent an email at 3 am.

I used to be one of those people – believing that resting my body meant that I was being unproductive, or not able to handle my workload, or didn’t want “it” bad enough. I quickly realized that I had to start making myself a priority. I wanted to be able to put my best foot forward, be sharp on my feet, and make informed decisions. I needed to have enough energy to balance not only my professional workload but home life with just as much enthusiasm. I needed to not feel irritated from lack of rest and self-care.

Enough is enough.  Being tired is not a weakness.

Listen to your body, unplug, and go to sleep.

Look at all that you’re building, and let’s put things into perspective:

  • We want to see the fruits of our labor.
  • We want to create generational legacy and wealth.
  • We want to lead fulfilling lives and walk in our purpose.
  • We need to be healthy in order to have all of these things.

Let us put an end to this mentality once and for all. If operating off of 2-5 hours of sleep per night (not nearly enough), that is not only detrimental to the health, but one will essentially be useless to themselves and others. Running on fumes.

People are literally falling sick and dying due to exhaustion and lack of self-care. The work will be there in the morning, and hopefully, you will be refreshed enough to pick up where you left off. Sleep, beloveds.