Every 1st Friday in February is National Wear Red Day/Go Red Day for Women!

Wear Red Day occurs annually on the first Friday of February as a reminder to raise awareness for heart health in women. The red dress has become a symbolic reminder of these very serious matters of the heart. Significant strides have been made since the launch of National Wear Red Day in 2003.

The Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2019 Update from the American Heart Association indicates that:

  • 116.4 million, or 46%, of US adults are estimated to have hypertension. These are findings related to the new 2017 Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • On average, someone dies of CVD every 38 seconds. About 2,303 deaths from CVD each day, based on 2016 data.
  • On average, someone dies of a stroke every 3.70 minutes. About 389.4 deaths from stroke each day, based on 2016 data.

“Heart disease and stroke kill 1 in 3 women, yet it is 99% preventable.” – Go Red for Women, 2018.

Enjoy these red foods And drinks via the American Heart Association. Don’t forget to wear your red and be reminded to take control of your health! And as with any movement, there is still much more work to be done. Spread the word and visit http://www.NationalGoRedDay.org for more details.   Cheers to healthier hearts on Go Red Day for Women! Ladies, are you ready to rock your red? You too, men.